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Feedback from you about this session will help us in our future planning. Please read each statement and respond using the following scale:

NO!noyes & noyesYES!

____ 1. This session was relevant to my needs.

____ 2. The information included was interesting.

____ 3. The methods used to present this topic were effective.

____ 4. A comfortable climate for discussion/learning was established.

____ 5. Overall, this session was very worthwhile.

6. What did you like best about this session?

7. Can you suggest improvements?

8. Additional comments? (Use over if necessary.)

Thank you!

  • Evaluation form designed by the Instructional Development Centre, Queen's University

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    Last updated June 24, 1997

    Benutzer: Gast • Besitzer: hwsystem • Zuletzt geändert am: