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Hier finden Sie Links auf Dokumente, Handbücher und Systeme, die in der Vorlesung verwendet werden.

info  Abzählbarkeit
Definition des Begriffs - Abzählbarkeit der Menge X*
info  Caml Light - INRIA, Frankreich - *2003
Caml is a strongly-typed functional programming language from the ML family. OCaml (Objective Caml) and Caml Light are two open source implementations of Caml developed at INRIA Rocquencourt, France.
info  Einführung in die Programmiersprache ML - A. Schwill - 2004
info  Kurze Darstellung der Programmiersprache PRO - A. Schwill - 2003
info  Moscow ML - *2003
Moscow ML is a light-weight implementation of Standard ML (SML), a strict functional language widely used in teaching and research.
info  Programming in Standard ML - R. Harper - *2011
info  Standard ML - Bell Labs, New Jersey - *2003
Standard ML of New Jersey (abbreviated SML/NJ) is a compiler for the Standard ML '97 programming language with associated libraries, tools, and documentation. SML/NJ is free, open source software.

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