Hier finden Sie Links auf Dokumente, Handbücher und Systeme, die in der Vorlesung verwendet werden.
- Abzählbarkeit
- Definition des Begriffs - Abzählbarkeit der Menge X*
- Caml Light - INRIA, Frankreich - *2003
- Caml is a strongly-typed functional programming language from the ML family. OCaml (Objective Caml) and Caml Light are two open source implementations of Caml developed at INRIA Rocquencourt, France.
- Einführung in die Programmiersprache ML - A. Schwill - 2004
- Kurze Darstellung der Programmiersprache PRO - A. Schwill - 2003
- Moscow ML - *2003
- Moscow ML is a light-weight implementation of Standard ML (SML), a strict functional language widely used in teaching and research.
- Programming in Standard ML - R. Harper - *2011
- Standard ML - Bell Labs, New Jersey - *2003
- Standard ML of New Jersey (abbreviated SML/NJ) is a compiler for the Standard ML '97 programming language with associated libraries, tools, and documentation. SML/NJ is free, open source software.
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