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3.3.1 How to Use Hyperwave Publishing Wizard

After successful installation, the Web Publishing Wizard inserts itself into the Send To context-sensitive menu of the Microsoft Explorer. When you start the Web Publishing Wizard you are guided through the process of uploading files or directories to Hyperwave Information Server with the Hyperwave Publishing Wizard.

This is done as follows:

  1. In the Microsoft Explorer, hold down the right mouse button on the file or directory you want to upload. On the menu that appears, select Send to/Web Publishing Wizard. This starts the Web Publishing Wizard.
  2. Once you have started the Web Publishing Wizard, click on Next to display the screen in Figure 105. You can select one of the servers on the list and upload your documents to it, or enter a new one. If you want to enter a new one, continue with the next step, otherwise proceed to step 5.
  3. Click on the New button to start entering information about the server. In the dialog box that appears, enter a descriptive name for the server. The server name and all other preferences you enter will be saved under that name for future use, i.e. you will be able to select it from the server list in the Web Publishing Wizard so you can proceed quickly through later uploads with the same preferences.
  4. Click on the Advanced button. In the dialog box that appears, select "Hyperwave Server" from the list. This invokes the Hyperwave Publishing Wizard.
  5. In the next dialog box, enter the URL of the server you want to upload to.
  6. After you click on Next, the Hyperwave Publishing Wizard appears (see Figure 106). This dialog box displays the descriptive name and the server name you entered earlier in the Web Publishing Wizard, as well as the default Hyperwave port number. Do not change the descriptive name or server name.
  7. In the next dialog box you must enter your Hyperwave Information Server login name, password, and the name of the collection you want to upload your documents to.
  8. The next dialog box lets you decide what to have the Hyperwave Publishing Wizard do if you are publishing documents that already reside on the server.
  9. The Access Rights dialog box allows you to set read and write access for the documents you are uploading. For each kind of right, you can choose to give it to yourself only, to the groups you specify, or to all users. When giving rights to groups, you may enter one or more groups in the text box, separated by spaces.
  10. In the Language dialog box, select the desired language for your documents.
  11. Select the desired options in the Version Control dialog box. These options are explained below.
  12. Click on Finish to start the uploading process.
Note: Files that are uploaded to Hyperwave Information Server using the Hyperwave Publishing Wizard must not have spaces in their file names.

Figure 106: The Hyperwave Publishing Wizard
You may also invoke the Wizard by dragging the file or directory to be published onto the Web Publishing Wizard icon (after you have placed it on your desktop), if you prefer. Also, some programs (like FrontPage) explicitly offer a Publish button, so that you can upload documents directly from the program.

Figure 107: Enabling version control with HPW

The Hyperwave Publishing Wizard can be used to enable automatic version control for your documents.

There are three checkboxes in the Version Control dialog box. Clicking on the first checkbox activates the other two. These two options work as follows:

Forced check in: This option only affects documents that are not already version controlled. With this option, new documents are uploaded, checked in and then checked out. Documents to be replaced are checked in, checked out, and the experimental version is replaced.

Commit version: Specifies that version controlled documents are to be checked in as a last step.

See also page 95 for more information about version control.

The combination of options you select affects your documents according to the following table:
Options New document Document exists, not version controlled Document exists, version controlled
none create new document, no version control replace document, no version control error
version control create new document, no version control Replace document, no version control check out document, replace experimental version
version control, forced check in create new document, check in, check out Check in, check out, replace experimental version check out document, replace experimental version
version control, commit version create new document, no version control Replace document, no version control check out document, replace experimental version, check in
all create new document, check in Check in, check out, replace experimental version, check in check out document, replace experimental version, check in Extending HPW's Recognized File Types

The HPW recognizes certain standard file types and does not upload file types it does not recognize. You can extend the file types recognized by using the registry editor. Start the registry editor (regedit.exe) in the command line. For every file extension you wish to add create a "key" entry in:

HKEY_CURRENT_USER->Software->Hyperwave->Publishing Wizard->Filetypes

The name of the key entry must be the file extension of the file type you want to add. Within this new key create the string values "Filetype" and "Mimetype" and add the appropriate values (e.g., key entry: "exe", Filetype= "Generic", Mimetype= "application/octet-stream"). Adding Custom Attributes

You can create a set of custom attributes that you want be attached to every file you upload to a specific site. The following steps explain how to add a set of custom attributes:

Start the registry editor (regedit.exe) in the command line. For every site you have created you will find an entry under:

HKEY_CURRENT_USER->Software->Hyperwave->Publishing Wizard->Sites


You have a site entry with the nickname "HyperwaveSite1"

(HKEY_CURRENT_USER->Software->Hyperwave->Publishing Wizard->Sites-> "HyperwaveSite1") and you want to add the custom attributes "hint=on" and "speed=123".

  1. In the registry editor activate the key entry "HyperwaveSite1" (click on it) and press the right mouse button. In the menu that appears, select NEW and Key. Insert a new key with the name "Attributes" (case sensitive!).
  2. Click on the new key entry to activate it, and again press the right mouse button. Select New and Key. Insert a new key with the name of the new attribute you want to add (in our example "Hint").
  3. Click on Hint to activate the new attribute entry and press the right mouse button. Now insert a new string value (New -> String Value). The name of the string value must be "Value" (case-sensitive) and for the data enter the value you want to assign to the attribute (in our example "on").
Repeat steps 2 and 3 for every attribute you want to add.

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