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2.4.2 Instantiation


All the members and methods you have declared for a document class are applied by the constructor when you instantiate the document class. See the Hyperwave Programmer's Guide for more information on how constructors work.


Instances of document classes are persistent. This means that the instances are created on the server and stored there. When you create a new collection on the server, you are creating an instance of the type Collection. This collection is persistent and will stay there until you decide to delete it.


Let's take a look at a very simple instance of a document class being generated on the server.

Figure 75: How Document Classes appear on the standard interface
You will notice that certain dynamically generated items are available on the Publish menu. In our example the document class AddressBookEntry has been declared, so this will appear as an item on the Publish menu.


To insert a document onto Hyperwave Information Server using the document class AddressBookEntry:

  1. Navigate to the collection where you wish to insert the instance of the document class.
  2. Click on Publish in the Hyperwave Information Server menu bar.
  3. The Publish menu will appear as below in Figure 73
  4. From the Publish menu, choose AddressBookEntry.
  5. In the dialog box that appears (Figure 76), enter the appropriate information. These fields represent attribute members that have been programmed for the document class. Remember that an asterisk denotes an obligatory field.
  6. When you have entered all the information, click on the OK button.
Figure 76: AddressBookEntry dialog box
  1. The instance of AddressBookEntry that you have created will appear in the collection. The title of the document that appears on the interface will correspond to the value that you enter for the attribute Title in the dialog box.

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