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3.2 Hyperwave Office Extension

Hyperwave Office Extension allows access to Virtual Folders functionality from within Microsoft Office applications.

Similarly to Hyperwave ODMA (see page 154), you can open and save files that are stored on a Hyperwave Information Server without leaving the Office application you are using. Two new menu points in Word, Excel and PowerPoint give you access to this functionality.

Hyperwave Office Extension also gives you access to other Virtual Folders functions, by means of a context-sensitive menu (available by clicking with the right mouse button on the object in question).

At the moment, this feature is available for Microsoft Word 97 and 95, Excel 97 and 95 and PowerPoint 97.


Hyperwave Office Extension can be installed with the installation package for the Windows NT Hyperwave Information Server. See the Hyperwave Installation Guide for details.

In order to ensure that the two new menu points (and corresponding toolbar icons) appear in your Office application, you must first enable Hyperwave Office Extension.

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